Sunday, June 24, 2018

Open in Sidebar Ver2.0 Released

New Features in Ver 2.0

You can define preferences for the extension in the page of add-on.
To choose a protocol and targets, you can open the sidebar quicker.
These preferences are different from series of a popup, a user can define what targets should be disabled.
However, you cannot disable audio, images and videos(I don't think that we don't need to disable it).
・For Developers
Japanese files and English files exist until this version, but all descriptions are moved to message.json and files of "_ja" have been omitted.
Information of preferences have been written in json files.
The target version is fixed to 60.0 or higher.
All files are converted to UTF8.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Search In Popup Ver2.1 Released

New Features in Ver 2.1

・For Developers
Fix the issue that the name of the extension is wrong in some files.

Notice: Version 2.0 has been deleted.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Search In Popup Ver2.0 Released

New Features in Ver 2.0

Following Open in Popup, you can define preferences for the extension in the page of add-on.
To fix a search engine, you can search in the popup quicker.

・For Developers
As well as Open in Popup, Japanese files and English files exist until this version, but all descriptions are moved to message.json and files of "_ja" have been omitted.
Information of search engines have been written in json files.
The target version is fixed to 60.0 or higher.