Monday, May 28, 2018

Open in Popup Ver2.1 Released

New Features in Ver 2.1

Fix an issue that the message which is displayed when the user moves over the icon is English.

・For Developers
Needless default values of every element in options.html have been deleted.
The target version is fixed to 60.0 or higher.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Open in Popup Ver2.0 Released

New Features in Ver 2.0

"View source" has been added.
You can view the source in the popup.
To enable wrapping, "Wrap Long Lines" needs to be available in advance.

You can define preferences for the extension in the page of add-on.
To fix a protocol and a target, you can open the popup quicker.

・For Developers
Japanese files and English files exist until this version, but all descriptions are moved to message.json and files of "_ja" have been omitted.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Published "Search In Sidebar" and "Open In Sidebar" for Github

I published sources of "Search In Sidebar" and "Open In Sidebar" for Github.

"Search in Sidebar" and "Open in Sidebar" Released

I released two firefox extensions which are "Search in Sidebar" and "Open in Sidebar".
As the name says, these extensions use the sidebar.

Search in Sidebar

This extension can search selected text in the sidebar.
The built-in searching feature can search text in an only new tab.
Due to the reason, we need to leave the current tab and move to the another tab to search text.
You can check and keep watching the searching result without moving from the current page.

Open in Sidebar

This extension can open audio, a image, a link and a movie, selected text and a link in the sidebar.
You can choose http or https when you open the link.
Choosing https, you can open a link which is http as https.
However, for safety reasons, you cannot open a link which is https as http and https will be chosen automatically.
You can check a link quickly to open it in the sidebar without leaving current page.

These extensions do not require any permissions like popup extensions.
I hope you will enjoy without being limited by anything.