Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Smart Text Converter Ver3.3 Released

Ver 3.3 Supplements
 ・Main Menu
  It can get also latitude and longitude. These are output as a url.
  Now, you can determine items of the location which you want to output on 'Expert Settings'.
  All buttons become smaller, and the textview becomes bigger.

  'Select All' , 'Deselect All' and 'Reverse Selections' has been added.
  Searching can ignore lowercase and uppercase. Please check 'Find Text' of 'ClipBoard'.
  'Tap to scroll to bottom' button has been added.

  A name of text or a file name has been shown on Title.
  All buttons become smaller, and the textview becomes bigger.

  Searching can ignore lowercase and uppercase.
  It can find characters from contents of text files. Please check 'Find Text' of 'Library'.

  It can save a file on websites. Please check 'Saving a file on websites'.

Open with App Store(iPhone) / Check iTunes Preview(PC)

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Smart Text Converter Ver3.2.1 Released / リリース

Smart Text Converter Ver3.2.1 has been released.

What's New in Version 3.2.1
Open with App Store(iPhone) / Check iTunes Preview(PC)

Smart Text Converter Ver3.2.1 がリリースされました。

Ver 3.2.1の新機能
アプリストアで開く(iPhone) / iTunes Previewで見る(PC)